Corporate PRO Services

  • Company Formation
  • Approvals for commercial activities
  • Company licenses (issuance, updates, renewals, amendments)
  • Labor quota processing
  • Liaising with Ministries & government departments

Employee PRO Services

  • Visa (Work, Family, Project)
  • Residency Permit &QID (issuance, updates, job title change etc.)
  • Employment contracts and WPS guidance
  • Follow up with Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Interior

Employee PRO Services

  • Visa (Work, Family, Project)
  • Residency Permit &QID (issuance, updates, job title change etc.)
  • Employment contracts and WPS guidance
  • Follow up with Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Interior

Corporate PRO Services

  • Company Formation
  • Approvals for commercial activities
  • Company licenses (issuance, updates, renewals, amendments)
  • Labor quota processing
  • Liaising with Ministries & government departments

Employee PRO Services

  • Visa (Work, Family, Project)
  • Residency Permit &QID (issuance, updates, job title change etc.)
  • Employment contracts and WPS guidance
  • Follow up with Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Interior

Employee PRO Services

  • Visa (Work, Family, Project)
  • Residency Permit &QID (issuance, updates, job title change etc.)
  • Employment contracts and WPS guidance
  • Follow up with Ministry of Labor and Ministry of Interior

Welcome to Hawkeye, your gateway to seamless business endeavors in Qatar. As pioneers in PRO services, our seasoned team is committed to guiding entrepreneurs through the intricate tapestry of legal and administrative intricacies. Embark on your business journey stress-free, as we redefine the landscape, making the complex process of starting a business in Qatar an effortlessly smooth endeavor for you.

Years Experience
Immigration Programs
Happy Clients

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