Personalized Marketing in the Digital Sphere
As marketing via social media becomes the norm companies are aiming to stand out from the crowd in the way they communicate with their audience so as to avoid the pitfalls of generic and forgettable advertisement. You may have often seen such generic marketing in the form of spam messages on platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook. They all offer new products but seldom are able to distinguish themselves from the crowd. To counter this a trend has emerged focused on personalized marketing where brands attempt to engage with their target audience on social media. It is referred to as social listening where brands participate in conversations and discussions involving their products to offer answers to criticisms and queries. The aim of the game is provide solutions to problems customers face and thereby showcase one’s own brand.

Social selling techniques such as this make the brand seem more personal to the customer and are more likely to improve customer retention and brand loyalty. Tailored experiences are what customers resonate with nowadays and a brand that can offer them a unique message that seems to address their individual needs is very appealing. According to a study by Forbes, 91% of customers are likely to shop from a brand that provide tailor made experiences and recommendations while 83% are willing to share information such as preferences in return for such an experience. So what this shows is that a willing consumer base is there for personalized marketing and an audience is more likely to be receptive to advertising based on such a format. It also shows that this way of digital marketing is likely to become the norm. If you are interested to learn more contact SocialSell for more information.